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Art and Design

Art and design is a means of communication that can help children to explore, understand, share and represent their physical and human environment. In art at Chestnuts, we inspire our children to develop their artistic and creative abilities within the whole curriculum. We ensure that all children experience a range of opportunities to develop a breadth of art techniques and skills.  They are also encouraged to manipulate a range of materials so that they can develop their skill and originality.  Children are asked to evaluate and appreciate their own work and the work of others, including famous artists, in order to develop their appreciation of the arts. Our art is taught through our cross curricular topics which allow the children to make links to other areas of the curriculum and have a specific purpose for their work.  

 Through art and design at Chestnuts, we aim to: 

  • Promote interest in and enjoyment of art. 
  • Encourage the children to value and appreciate each other’s work. 
  • Develop opportunities for cross curricular learning. 
  • Develop the children's understanding of art, both the visual and the tactile. 
  • Develop the children’s aesthetic awareness and to encourage them to make judgements about pieces of art. 
  • Provide opportunities for different types of learning, both whole class, small group and individual. 
  • Promote awareness of the work of various artists and craftspeople from different cultures thus promoting cultural awareness. 
  • Teach the children how to take care of and help to maintain equipment and resources.