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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! 

In Year 3, we have high aspirations for all our children and provide them with an encouraging, safe and supportive learning environment so that they thrive and grow. We celebrate each other’s achievements and develop a sense of team spirit within the year group.   

Whilst moving into Year 3 can, at first, seem daunting, we endeavor to create a smooth transition from Key Stage 1 into Key Stage 2. We place an important emphasis on children’s mental health and wellbeing. We promote collaboration, consideration, empathy and respect through a rich learning environment, where pupils are confident to challenge themselves, reach their potential and strive to achieve their goals.  

We use ‘The Write Stuff’ approach in English to cover a variety of genres including adventure and dilemmas stories, explanation texts and poetry. Grammar skills are embedded within all English lessons which allow the children the creative freedom to explore their own writing styles. Spelling and handwriting are taught throughout the week. Spelling focuses on the Year 3 spelling rules and the Year 3/4 common exception words.  

In Maths, we continue to use concrete and pictorial methods before moving onto more abstract methods that can be applied to reasoning and problem solving. This allows the children to build on their previous learning. Our lesson challenges allow the children to push themselves and develop their understanding. There is a strong focus on embedding times table facts in preparation for the Year 4 ‘Multiplication Check’.  

Read is taught through ‘Book Talk’ and skills lessons. We study a variety of genres in Read including nonsense poetry, non-fiction texts, fairy tales and narratives and we focus heavily on reading aloud with fluency and expression.  

During the year, the children will cover topics including Forces and Magnets, Great British Landmarks, Tribal tales, Light and Dark, Living Things and Gods and Mortals. The children have great fun exploring ideas, creating, and experimenting, through a range of hands on, practical activities and theme days. 

2023/2024 Curriculum Overview

2023/2024 Curriculum Summary for Parents