Chestnuts Primary School > Parents > Friends of Chestnuts
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Friends of Chestnuts

At Chestnuts, we are fortunate to have the Friends of Chestnuts PTA who are an integral part of the school community. Over the years, the FOC have raised funds which have been used to purchase equipment and resources to enhance the children’s educational experiences, equipment to ensure that break times are productive and the children are entertained and have memorable experiences.  

FOC hold regular fund-raising events such as school discos, fetes and sales. They also support the school with our fund-raising events for charity such as cake sales.   

However, the association is focussed on much more than simply fundraising. Friends of Chestnuts exists to provide closer links between home and school and is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together in support of the school, working towards a common goal. They also know how to have fun at the same time - just ask any of the committee members or volunteers!  

FOC has a Facebook group, Friends of Chestnuts PTA, which parents can join to keep up to date with all the latest events and information 

If you would like to get involved, even if you only have a small amount of time available, please email FOC are always willing to welcome new members.  

What have the FOC done?

FOC MacMillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning - this is a wonderful event and raises money to support the work of this very worthwhile charity.

School Discos – The children have a great time dancing to their favourite tunes, whilst raising money for school.

Raffles – some great prizes, with proceeds raising money for the school.

Christmas Cards - FOC arranges for the children to design and produce individual Christmas cards to raise money for funds.

Christmas Fair – some festive fun for all, which also raises money for the school.

Summer Fair – summer fun for everyone with lots of stalls & games, which raises funds for FOC to support various school projects.

Year 6 Posh Party – a chance to spoil our Year 6s at the end of their time at Chestnuts with a posh party in their honour!

Easter Bonnet and Egg decorating competitions – a chance to win Easter themed prizes.

Pre-Loved Uniform Sales – selling good quality, second-hand uniform to raise funds for the school.

For information about future events, please keep updated via the FOC Facebook page.

FOC Committee:


Nicola Stynes

Vice Chair

Karen Jenkins-Welch


Amy Goodwin


Sian Patten

     Other committee members                                        Teaching representative

Amy Goodwin – Donations Co-ordinator                                      Miss Becky Skillings

FOC meetings

We aim to meet once a month to discuss and plan forthcoming events. Details for the meetings are announced on our FOC Facebook page and all meetings are held at school, unless otherwise stated.

If you can't make the meetings but still want to help, simply fill in an FOC leaflet from the school office and leave us your contact details. We can send you the minutes from the meetings.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in the autumn term.

Everyone is welcome at these meetings and they can be a great way to get more involved in school life.

Joining the FOC:

Come and join us!  Whether it’s planning events, sourcing tombola prizes, helping out at the discos or setting up the school fairs, there’s something for you to do in our FOC!

There are a few different ways to join in:

1.      Fill in the FOC Joining Form which can be found at reception; this will help us to add you to our Facebook page* so we can share the latest FOC updates, including information about forthcoming meetings & school events.

2.      For those hoping to come and help out with events at school as a FOC volunteer, you will also need to undertake a routine DBS check. This can be arranged via school reception and this is done free of charge.

3.      To contact a member of the FOC, you can email them at

*The FOC Facebook page is a secure page which you can only join by being invited by another member, and approved by one of the FOC Admins.