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Welcome to Meadow! 

At Chestnuts, Meadow is a small provision which supports pupils with Speech and Language; and Social Communication and Interaction needs. The majority of the pupils have an Education, Health Care Plan and all receive a personalised curriculum designed to meet their individual targets. These students require individualised planning to meet their specific learning needs in relation to the four core areas: 

  • Social and emotional needs 
  • Language and communication 
  • Flexibility of thought
  • Sensory processing needs

The children within Meadow also experience a broad and balanced curriculum, receiving their core learning in small group, or one to one teaching sessions, and their foundation subject learning through topics which are planned around their interests. For example, Meadow have been learning geography, science and art through their work on habitats around the world, finding out where they are, what they are like, what animals live within them and then, finally, creating their own examples. 

2023/2024 Curriculum Summary for Parents