Chestnuts Primary School > About Us > Headteacher’s Welcome
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Headteacher’s Welcome

Chestnuts Primary School is a nurturing, happy and welcoming school situated in West Bletchley. We have high expectations and believe learning should be fun and rewarding. Our aim is to create opportunities to enrich our children with key skills, yet also leave them with happy and inspiring primary school memories. We are proud of all our pupils and their resilient attitudes, enthusiasm for learning and sense of humour. Staff at our school care for every child in every way – socially, emotionally and academically. They encourage, listen, praise and build relationships with all children; making every child feel worthy, valued and with improved confidence.

Our Ofsted in February 2019 graded us as a good school. Our senior leadership team were praised for their knowledge, support and determination for every pupil in the school to succeed. Leaders and teachers were commended for their lessons as well as encouraging all children to learn, including disadvantaged children or those with SEND. They stated that pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development was a strength and that ‘pupils relish the responsibilities they are given to contribute to school life and work together’.

We offer a Breakfast Club to encourage a healthy lifestyle and essential social development.  In addition, we are also proud of our sports provision - run by our sports leader - offering various extra-curricular sports activities. As well as these, we offer a range of lunch time and after school clubs (free of charge) including a homework club.  Chestnuts Extra is our very popular afterschool club providing child care for those parents who require it, with different charges for different pick up times - not a one fee fits all approach.

When it comes to education, we offer all children a broad, balanced and fun curriculum that inspires and engages them; ensuring they continuously enjoy learning. Having two school minibuses is also an exciting and essential part of daily life at Chestnuts – this enables us to take part in lots of engaging trips linked to each year group’s curriculum.  It is a fundamental part of our belief that children will not learn unless they feel safe and happy therefore, we place as much emphasis on developing children’s emotional and social well-being as we do on their academic achievement. Our children’s, parent’s and staff’s well-being are a priority. We are proud of our work supporting families and are fortunate to have a full-time family support worker. At Chestnuts we have high expectations of all children and would like them to leave school as confident, polite and independent learners who are prepared with the appropriate skills, values and knowledge to be successful in their future.

At Chestnuts we believe it is a strong partnership between home and school that will ensure we achieve the best for all children  We have a parent teacher association, led by a group of enthusiastic and willing parents, who plan whole school events, support within school and fundraise, enabling our children to be provided with extra resources, experiences and equipment. Furthermore, we have a school council where representatives from each class are elected and attend regular meetings to plan important events and have a say in the running of their school. Alongside this, we also have sports leaders, peer mentors, maths leaders, eco-warriors and junior librarian roles which allow children to develop their natural leadership skills.

The Chestnuts Way is embedded into everything we do. Four simple rules that are essential to our beliefs and ethos: Choose your attitude, Challenge yourself, Have Fun and Make Someone’s day. The children and Chestnuts team live by these values each and every day. In essence, I am incredibly proud of our children, staff and parents and all that we continue to achieve together.

Head Teacher - Becky Skillings

Our ethos and values are simple;

Choose your attitude - be positive and have a go;
Work hard and challenge yourself, the possibilities are endless
Have fun
Make someone's day.

The Chestnuts' team live by these values each and every day.