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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! 

We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 5. As the children move into Year 5, we expect them to take some more responsibility for their own, personal organisation – remembering P.E. kits, reading books and other personal belongings. This is to help support them, when the time comes, for their transition to secondary school. We continue to promote the work they will have carried out throughout the rest of the school on developing a growth mindset and, as a result, when they come in to school in the morning and after break and lunchtimes, we expect them to be ready to learn. The children are encouraged to take even more responsibility for their behaviours and their attitudes towards learning and other people as they move into Upper Key Stage 2.   

Throughout Year 5, the children will learn about exciting topics and experiences such as Earth and Beyond and Magnificent Materials, start swimming lessons and go on their first residential. Through the varied topics they study, the children will deepen their writing skills by building on what they already know and learning even more punctuation and exciting vocabulary. They will develop maths efficiently by focusing on calculation methods and exploring efficient mental methods. During the year, the children are encouraged to develop their handwriting into a fluent and joined style. They work towards being awarded their pen licence. The children are also given opportunities to develop additional skills and to represent the school in various roles such as peer mentors and deputy house captains.  

Most of all, throughout the year, the children will be expected to try their best and to enjoy the year! We will work hard, but have fun and be creative along the way. 

2024/2025 Curriculum Overview

2024/2025 Curriculum Summary for Parents