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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! 

In Year 4, we love to make our learning fun and we are very proud of the exciting and varied curriculum we have on offer; wherever possible, lessons are hands on and practical. For example, within art we experiment with a range of different mediums; geography we often take our learning outside to observe our environment; and, within science, the children actively investigate and follow a line of enquiry. These subjects are taught through our topics such as A Sound Deal, Wretched Romans and Our Natural World.  

Within Maths in Year 4, we look closely at place value, efficient written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division as well as focusing on different units of measures, coordinates, fractions, decimals and shapes and their properties. The children spend time on each topic to ensure that they have mastered these skills. We believe that fluency in maths is important and the children therefore regularly undertake Fluent in 5 starters in lessons. This helps them revisit key number facts and ensures that they retain the information they have previously been taught.  

In Year 4, the children also take the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which is a Key Stage 2 national assessment. To support them with this, we provide the children with daily opportunities to learn and practise their times tables through class teaching and the use of TT Rock Stars. Additionally, the children undertake mock checks throughout the year so they become accustomed to the format and to allow us to direct our support effectively.  

To enable all our children to be successful writers, we adopt ‘The Write Stuff’ approach. This innovative teaching approach allows the children to develop as writers and enhance their knowledge of vocabulary, punctuation and grammar. In Year 4, we use a range of high-quality texts to model how authors create atmospheres and develop stories so that the children can continue to adopt their own, individual writing styles.   

In reading sessions, we aim to foster a love of reading with the children through the use of Book Talk sessions. Allowing pupils to read out aloud, with a partner, as an individual or in a group, gives children the opportunity to immerse themselves in a variety of genres. During these sessions, the children will read a range of texts including poetry, non-fiction and narratives.  

At Chestnuts, we continuously promote a growth mindset and our children are always willing to challenge themselves! Throughout the course of the year, we encourage the children to become the best learners that they can be, building on their independence and helping prepare them for Upper Key Stage 2. 

2024/2025 Curriculum Overview

2024/2025 Curriculum Summary for Parents